Percussion | Department of Music

Percussion Studies at USA

Percussion Studies at USA

Welcome to the University of South Alabama Percussion Studies website. We hope you find this site helpful in gaining a further glimpse into the world of USA percussion. For audition and scholarship information, visit our Audition Requirements page.

About USA Percussion

Percussion students at the university have the opportunity to experience a myriad of performance opportunities within the music department, including the USA Percussion Ensemble, Steel Band, World Music Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Basketball Pep Bands, and the USA Jaguar Marching Band's JAG DRUMLINE.

Percussionists receive instruction in various areas of percussion performance including orchestral percussion, chamber and solo percussion, keyboard percussion, timpani, drum set, and world percussion. Lessons and rehearsals are further enhanced by utilizing state of the art recording technology. Courses in percussion pedagogy and percussion literature are also offered to prepare students as educators.

Please feel free to contact Dr. Brian Nozny at if you are in need of any further information. You can see us in action at any number of events throughout the year. See the events calendar to the right for dates and time.


Dr. John J. Papastefan Endowed Scholarship in Percussion

It is with great pleasure that the Department of Music at the University of South Alabama announces the establishment of the Dr. John J. Papastefan Percussion Endowed Scholarship in Percussion. This endowment has been established to honor Dr. John Papastefan for his service to the University and the Department of Music where he served as Director of Percussion Studies from 1967-2008. The named scholarship not only pays tribute to Dr. Papastefan, but to the legacy of the students who studied with him, many of whom are successful educators and performers across the country. This endowment scholarship fund will serve the needs of talented percussion students at USA in perpetuity, therefore, ensuring the continued success of the program for future generations of musicians.

Contributions should be payable to the University of South Alabama and mailed to: Department of Music, 5751 USA Drive South, Room 1072, Mobile, AL 36688.


EvansInnovative PercussionPearl / AdamsSABIAN